Welcome to the McGill Physics Cloud Chamber Website!

This site is dedicated to the diffusion cloud chamber constructed by Michael Hétu in the Summer and Fall of 2022.


Done in the context of a summer research internship, the goal of this project was to construct an inexpensive, standalone cloud chamber using off-the-shelf parts and easily available tools. Since they have the unique property of allowing for real-time, naked-eye visualization of ionizing radiation, this device will be used in entry-level physics classes and for outreach purposes, introducing students and curious individuals to the hidden world of radiation and particle physics.


I would like to thank my three supervisors Thomas Brunner, Ken Ragan, and Dominic Ryan, who guided me and oversaw the design of this cloud chamber over the summer. I would especially like to thank the BvL lab for their continued support in funding the project and providing tools and materials. Finally, I would like to thank the Physics department’s lab technicians, Robert Turner, Robert Idsinga, and Brandon Ruffolo, who provided great advice and helped troubleshoot every issue that cropped up.